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The Power of Conscious Creation

A while ago, I wrote a blog on the power of positive thinking. Today, I want to teach you how to use that power in a more intentional way. 

Sometimes it can feel like life is a speed boat and we’re sitting in a tube being dragged over the wake. So when we learn we can be an active participant and drive the boat, consciously creating our own reality becomes an empowering practice. Conscious creation, or the more “woo woo” term, manifesting, is the process of intentionally and purposefully bringing our dreams and desires into existence. We are always manifesting, it’s how our brains work. But by tapping into the power of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, we can consciously choose to let life happen through us and not to us.

Conscious creation is rooted in the belief that our thoughts and emotions have a direct influence on the world around us. It suggests that we are not passive bystanders in our lives, but active participants with the ability to shape our own realities. This idea is supported by quantum physics, which suggests that our thoughts and intentions can affect the behavior of subatomic particles. Everything is made up of the same core atoms, and everything is just energy vibrating at different frequencies. We are all connected. By harnessing the power of our thoughts and aligning them with our desires, we can attract and create the experiences we truly desire.

The first step is gaining clarity about what you truly desire. Take the time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Define them in detail, considering how they would make you feel, what they would look like, and any specific elements that are important to you. This part can actually be pretty tricky for a lot of us!

Next, my favorite, affirmations! Affirmations are powerful tools to create a positive mindset and reinforce your desires. Use present-tense statements that reflect your goals as if they have already been achieved. For example, "I am deeply fulfilled in my career," or "I attract abundance effortlessly." Assuming you read the blog on positive thinking, this is where the reticular activating system comes in to play.

Now visualize! Imagine yourself already living your desired reality. See yourself in detail, engaging all your senses to amplify the experience. If you’re like me, it may be more of a felt sense than an actual visual.

Often, our limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns act as roadblocks to manifestation. Identify any doubts, fears, or negative self-talk that may be hindering your progress. Affirm your willingness to release these limitations and replace them with empowering beliefs that support your desired reality. Your therapist is the PERFECT guide through this process and EMDR can be a very helpful tool to clear these core beliefs.

 While conscious creation emphasizes the power of our thoughts and emotions, it also requires active participation. Pay attention to any inspired ideas or opportunities that present themselves and take action towards their realization. Can’t win the lottery if you never play!

Finally, cultivate an attitude of gratitude for both the present and the future manifestations. Express gratitude for what you have already and remain open to receiving even more. Gratitude helps maintain a positive mindset and reinforces the belief that abundance is already present in your life.

Conscious creation is a transformative practice that allows us to become intentional creators of our lives. By harnessing the power of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, we can manifest our desires into reality. Remember that it may take time and persistence, so practice patience and trust in the process. The brain learns through repetition. As you align your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome, embrace the power within you. Get out of the wake and into the drivers seat.

Written by: Grace Williamson, MA, LPCC, BCN