Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

ADHD Treatment | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH


With ADD/ADHD diagnoses at an all time high in the U.S. it’s no wonder individuals and families are seeking more holistic, permanent solutions. Stimulant medications can be helpful in certain situations but can be extremely detrimental in others, causing unnecessary side-effects and potentially long-term physical and mental health issues. Those with ADD/ADHD struggle with self-regulation which often translates to problems with focus, concentration and impulse control. Other common concerns include distractibility, difficulty controlling emotions, low frustration tolerance, hyperactivity, disorganization and poor executive functioning.


More than any other diagnosis, research has proven Neurofeedback to be effective in reducing symptoms of ADD/ADHD. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized Neurofeedback as being a “Level 1—Best Support” treatment intervention for ADHD (meaning, neurofeedback has been shown to be at least as effective as medications in treating ADHD). Neurofeedback teaches the brain self-regulation and allows for a long-term solution, unlike medications, which only work as long as they are in the system.

How can BIOFEEDBACK help?

Biofeedback is designed to help the Central Nervous System (CNS) respond more effectively to demands/stressors in the environment so that it can more readily engage. For those with ADD/ADHD the CNS is often over or under stimulated and the person struggles to maintain focus and concentration. Biofeedback allows the person to calm or activate the body so that it can more effectively support the brain in engaging in the task at hand.

How can COUNSELING help?

Behavioral therapy, parent coaching and executive function training gives our clients the tools to learn more effective and productive ways to manage their environment. Lifestyle coaching is also often involved as simple changes to diet, exercise, sleep routines, screen time and stress management can create drastic improvements in symptoms.