Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Addiction Treatment | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH


Addiction often starts because a person is trying to “self-medicate” an underlying emotional state that is uncomfortable for them. Alcohol, food, drugs, work, shopping, gambling, the internet, all can serve as comforting “escapes” from troubling emotions. Neurofeedback therapy helps address and resolve the underlying emotional issues that drive the desire to self-medicate. With neurofeedback the person finds more emotional stability, greater personal insight and the power to overcome impulses.

It is important to note that neurofeedback is not a stand-alone treatment for addictive disorders. The best-suited individuals for neurofeedback are those who are actively in recovery but continue to struggle with the emotional aspects of sobriety. Neurofeedback has been shown through research to significantly reduce rates of relapse.


Neurofeedback has been used since the 1970’s to effectively improve treatment outcomes, reduce cravings and decrease rates of relapse. Those struggling with addiction often live with overactive or underactive brain wave function that needs balanced. Neurofeedback can be used to train the brain to produce more activity that helps with emotional control and relaxation and less of the activity that contribute to anxiety, depression and ADHD.

How can BIOFEEDBACK help?

Those with addiction are suffering from an overstimulated nervous system. This heightened state of arousal can contribute to physical and emotional symptoms. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback training helps us to reset our nervous system. By teaching you to control the rhythms of your heart, we can teach you to calm your fight or flight response and allow you to respond better to stress, anxiety and difficult emotions that often trigger the impulse to self-medicate.

How can COUNSELING help?

Our counselors are experienced in working with addictions and can help support you in your recovery journey. We can help identify triggers, create relapse prevention plans and guide you as you begin fulfilling your life’s dreams, free from the former vices that held you back. Neurofeedback allows you to feel better quickly, counseling allows you to have the support you need as you make big, life-altering changes.