Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

The Wellness Den

Next Level Healing

In the lower level of our building space, we’ve opened a sister business to Alternative Therapeutics, The Wellness Den. The intention of The Wellness Den is to provide the community with a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment to access whole health healing on each of the four essential domains of health: body, mind, heart and spirit. At The Wellness Den, whole health healing is attained through: tending to the physical body, expansion of mind and heart and nurturing creative and spiritual exploration.

Alternative Therapeutics was founded in 2018 with the purpose of bringing quality, holistic methods for improving mental health to the community. Alternative Therapeutics has seen much success, and has become a pillar of mental health treatment in the community. At Alternative Therapeutics, we often find that there are needs beyond mental health treatment that need to be addressed in order for our clients to achieve ultimate holistic wellness, which is why The Wellness Den has been created, conveniently located on the ground floor of the same building.

World-renowned trauma researcher and author, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk wrote a best-selling book “The Body Keeps the Score”, where he describes the most research-supported methods for healing from trauma. Bessel purports that stress and trauma is stored in the body and recommends several somatic (body based), creative and spiritual methods for addressing stored trauma. These methods include yoga, mindfulness meditation, dance, art, energy healing, music/sound healing as well as mental health treatments (EMDR and neurofeedback, already being provided at Alternative Therapeutics).

Our hope is that through our healing spaces, we can provide our community with access to the very best modalities for self-healing and genuine wellness.