Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Anxiety Treatment | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH


Anxiety is often the result of our reaction to every day stress that’s gotten out of hand. Or perhaps we have a genetic predisposition to being anxious, maybe both. Anxiety can show up in a variety of ways. Physically, we might notice headaches, poor sleep, jaw and shoulder tension, stomach pain. Emotionally we may experience obsessive thinking, compulsions, worry or irrational fears.

How Can Neurofeedback Help?

Chronic stress and anxiety have a physiological impact on our brain and body over time. Imbalanced brain wave function is often the result—producing too much activity and creating repetitive “stuck” patterns. We become prone to obsessive worry, repetitive thinking and trouble “shutting off” the mind. Neurofeedback reduces overactive brain wave activity and breaks the brain out of these stuck patterns, effectively reducing the symptoms of anxiety.

How can BIOFEEDBACK help?

Those with anxiety are suffering from an overactive nervous system. This heightened state of arousal is known as “fight or flight”. In today’s day and age we are constantly bombarded with stimulation. Stimulation from screens, social media, traffic, work, family and social demands, the list goes on. Our nervous systems have not evolved as fast as technology and societal demands and unfortunately, this often means that we aren’t capable of “resetting” our nervous systems effectively. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback training helps us to reset our nervous systems. By teaching you to control the rhythms of your heart, we can teach you to calm your fight or flight response and undo years of damage from chronic stress. Biofeedback enhances feelings of positivity, control of emotions and ability to focus and perform under pressure.

How can COUNSELING help?

We combine neuroscience, advanced technologies and holistic approaches with traditional talk-therapy. Research shows that counseling alone and neurofeedback alone are not as effective as a combined approach. This innovative combination allows individuals to get a jump start on feeling better with neurofeedback along with the support and care of a trained clinical professional.