Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Insomnia Treatment | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH


Issues with insomnia continue to rise due to an increase in daily stress, increased exposure to electromagnetic fields through devices and poor health routines. Most Americans do not lead lifestyles that allow for sufficient down time and proper sleep routines. As a result, many of us struggle with the ability to regularly fall and stay asleep.

Sleep is probably the #1 most important aspect of brain health. Sleep is when our brains do their most important work in repairing damage, cleaning up debris, making new connections and forming memories. When we can help improve sleep, mental and cognitive improvement is always quick to follow.

How Can Neurofeedback Help?

Sleep issues are often a result of overactive Alpha and Beta wave activity, which hinders the brain from properly shutting down for sleep at night. Neurofeedback reduces overactive brain wave activity and breaks the brain out of these stuck patterns, effectively improving sleep. Many clients notice that sleep is the first symptom to improve through neurofeedback, even if it wasn’t their primary concern for treatment.

How can BIOFEEDBACK help?

When we suffer from an overactive nervous system, sleep will almost always be impaired. This heightened state of arousal is known as “fight or flight”. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback training helps us to reset our nervous systems. By teaching you to control the rhythms of your heart, we can teach you to calm your fight or flight response and more quickly and effectively fall asleep.

How can COUNSELING help?

We combine neuroscience, advanced technologies and holistic approaches with traditional talk-therapy. Research shows that counseling alone and neurofeedback alone are not as effective as a combined approach. This innovative combination allows individuals to get a jump start on feeling better with neurofeedback along with the support and care of a trained clinical professional.