Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Psychedelic Therapy

“Psychedelic medicines may be the most effective interventions for treating mental health and supporting wellbeing”


Real Client testimonial: After Two KAP sessions

“Something feels different, I am becoming different, experiencing my self differently. There is movement, shifting. I’ve not often paused and thought about my healing process. I have felt frustrated, ashamed, scared. I’ve been sad and angry that I have to do it at all. I’ve had moments of gratitude. Felt the softness of caring words and experienced a sense of safety that I didn’t know existed. [With traditional therapy] It’s been hard to see the collective experience, it’s often so dependent on the intensity of the emotion. I didn’t know what I needed to heal when I first started. I didn’t have the words I needed to speak. I didn’t know what safety was. I could barely feel my body, didn’t know what sensations were missing. I didn’t know what was to come. I didn’t know how long I would need to sit on that couch. It is ok that I’m still sitting on that couch. It really does take as long as it takes. I created many many layers to bury and disconnect from the hurt. So many layers to get through, to finally be able to say I was hurt. The wound looks different when someone doesn’t cringe in disgust when they see it. The wound feels different when it’s tended to with care. I have focused so much on the wound, its layers of destruction rather than on the beauty of healing. The ugliness of the wound became disgust for myself. Something about healing feels so delicate and sacred now (with KAP). I’ve never before thought about the beauty in my own healing. I feel the ketamine process has illuminated healing in a way I’ve never experienced before. I see my pain, my wounds and I see strength and hope. I have felt an immobilizing stuckness for most of my life— and now, things are moving more now than ever before.


What is Psychedelic Therapy?

Psychedelic defined: a drug or medication that produces an opening or expansion of consciousness.

The term "psychedelic" was originally coined by English psychiatrist Humphry Osmond in the 1950’s. It is a combination of the Greek words "psyche" (mind) and "delos" (to reveal). This gives us the common definition of psychedelic as "mind-manifesting."

When combined, the “psychedelic” experience is a direct, embodied experience of how an individual’s mind works. This sets the foundation for the deeply introspective potential that these compounds and experiences have to offer individuals.

Psychotherapy (counseling) defined: a collaborative process by which an individual seeks to identify root causes of one’s condition so they can experience improved functioning, enhanced emotional wellbeing and deep healing.

Psychedelic Therapy defined: combining modern science with ancient wisdom, psychedelic therapy allows individuals to experience new perspectives, which help them understand their lives in new ways. These meaningful experiences can create powerful cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes.

Rather than mask symptoms like some psychiatric medicines, psychedelic therapy gets to the root of individuals’ emotions, giving people the opportunity to gain new insight about themselves. With the support of our trained therapists, this approach helps individuals to interpret these insights and apply them to cognitive and behavioral patterns.

What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)?

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is a deep psychotherapeutic process that can produce rapid improvement for a number of conditions, including depression, anxiety, trauma, suicidality, eating disorders, addictive disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and more. Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy can also be supportive for end of life care. 

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is compatible with most other psychiatric medicines, and it can create powerful, sustained healing when other traditional interventions fail. 

Unlike the IV medical model of Ketamine therapy, sessions are conducted with the support of a therapist and medical team. Sessions that include medicine last 3 hours, and the experience is focused on the therapeutic process. Preparation and integration sessions are scheduled before and after each medicine session.

Read more here. Watch a video on the brain science here.

We are now offering a bi-monthly GROUP KAP option!

This is an excellent way to experience the benefits of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, with the additional benefit of group support from others sharing similar journeys in healing.

Group KAP also saves you money! Sessions are scheduled from 11am-3pm on Fridays and are priced at $350/session.

Group KAP participants must have at least one 1:1 KAP session with our therapists before starting with the group. Apply below for more information.

Apply to participate below



How much does it cost? Starting medical costs through Journey Clinical are $335 (medical intake and prescription for first 2 dosing sessions). Subsequent medical appointments are $295 and will include medical check-in and a prescription for 6-8 additional dosing sessions. Cost for appointments with AT staff are charged our normal rate of $150 per hour. Each dosing session is 3 hours long and requires an hour preparation session (before) and an hour integration session (after) each dose.

How long does it take? Of course every client’s healing journey looks different, but typically well-prepared (individuals who have already begun their healing journeys through other therapeutic means) clients can expect to finish KAP after about 8-10 dosing sessions.

Who is a good fit for KAP? Those who experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction or OCD can be greatly helped through KAP. It is helpful and suggested for the person to have already “done their own work” to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the depth of healing that KAP offers. If therapy is new to you, it may be necessary to engage in some preliminary counseling, EMDR and neurofeedback so that you are well-prepared for the process.